Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Sunday!

We've been battling a cold all week, but life still goes on! Here's a little of what we've been up to the past few days:

Zara loves to help Ash put on capes and togas (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder strikes again). It's pretty hilarious to watch. Good-natured and patient boy + OCD, meddling girl = hours of entertainment for us.

As you may know, I don't know how to style or do anything with hair. So I decided to go searching for some practical help from the Internet. You know, in order not to embarass myself or someone else. Apparently, YouTube has a plethora of how-to's when it comes to hair. I found some really beautiful hairstyle tutorials from an adorable girl from Belgium. Here's the link to her page on YouTube. A lot of her ideas are medieval-inspired, which I find particularly awesome.

Our dear friends long-awaited baby girl was born at the end of April, and we hope to be seeing them next weekend, so I've started on a hat for the little one using this pattern (they might make you log in to see it, if so you'll just have to wait until I'm done to behold the hats' delicate beauty). The pattern is based on a vintage hat and cowl set from the early 20th century. The cotton yarn I'm using has alternating white, peony pink and amethyst. I'm not a fan of pink per se, but this yarn is very pretty. Pretty enough that I'd put it on Zara or wear it myself!

Bat wing Cloudy, in a pile of straw. Need I say more? Until next time!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Sometimes I truly can't believe the sad state of the world we live in.

As if the ignorance surrounding male circumcision is not bad enough (ever notice how American moms use the same reasoning and excuses to mutilate their sons that Eastern moms use to mutilate their girls? "He/she won't find anyone to marry him/her? I want him/her to match his/her Dad/Mom? It's cleaner and more sanitary."), now we have the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommending to allow into the law a "ritual nicking of the female genitals". Their reasoning? It will stop families from sending their girls overseas for "full" genital mutilation. What a joke.

Read Intact America's response here. Intact America holds that this new policy from the AAP is a profound affront to 30 years of progress in the global fight to end Female Genital Mutilation.

Ironically, the new AAP policy tacitly acknowledges that "Some forms of Female Genital Circumcision are less extensive than the newborn male circumcision commonly performed in the West."

So WHY is circumcision of ANY KIND still being practiced in what we claim to be a "modern and science-based" society?

100 baby boys die every year in the United States due to this sick practice.

I beg you to do your part and educate yourself, your children and friends about the true nature and consequences of circumcision.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Potato Head Faces

The kids have been into Mr. Potato Head fashion lately.

I finished my hat, and have been wearing it nearly everyday!

And I re-arranged the house, again. Here is the area by our front door. I'll post more pictures as the chaos comes together!