Thursday, November 3, 2011

Keys To The Castle

It has been very busy around here. So busy, in fact, I have not had a free moment to blog. And I've missed this space. But I come here today with some exciting news: we got a house!

It closed just this week. We have lots of work to do around the place, and we will be blogging how we get the work done in a sustainable way. From installing new floors, repairing a falling down wood fence, removing acoustic ceiling, renovating a kitchen and bathrooms, building a top-bar beehive (what???), a compost bin and planting fruit trees, vines and a garden.

This weekend I will have a fun giveaway, including handmade Waldorf-style wooden animals, so check back for that.

I hope you are all well and staying warm on this cold Autumn day. Have a beautiful Thursday!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! That is so exciting. And I have missed you here. ;)

  2. Oh, shucky darns, I wanted to say congratulations too, so I will CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so very happy for you. I have missed you too. Checked every day. :) Just really happy it was busy with a house and not something else. kc
